Sunday, September 28, 2008

Who holds the Dough?

Money makes the world go round, so they say. It has become such an embedded culture that it really takes money (and sometimes lots of it) to get things going!

"Hey Councillor, this [problem] must be solved!" goes a typical 'aduan' (complaint). If it is the Council's responsibility, then the Council will have to find the resources... which usually requires money. Manpower not enough, employ some more (allocation not enough!). Then do overtime lah... (money not enough!). Equipment break down... need to replace (money not enough... didn't budget!). Ask staff to "help"... "ada bonus tak?" or "sarapan pagi pun belum makan boss..." or "boleh bincang tentang... [naik gaji, tambah elaun, shorter hours, benefits, blah, blah, blah...]!!"

If it is another government agency's responsibility... the answers are about the same! Or thy simply ignore you, delay another month means relax another month!

Appeal for some funds then. From who? Try the Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (State Legislative Assemblyman) or Member of Parliament... "not enough funds lah, Perak new government, last government spent all the money, people pay tax to federal government so the state is poor lah, etc" or "why must I help you? You are appointed by the opposition government, ask your government lah!" or "sorry, do I know you??!"

How about local businesses? "Economy down lah, not sure can survive or not my company!" or "have to ask the boss - haven't seen him for many months already!" or "ask the residents lah, if they cannot take care of their own area why should we help them?"

Ask the residents... "WHAT?! You want us to pay to solve [problem]?? Then why should we pay assessment? You eat our money ah?" or "sorry boss, we are poor people, we cannot afford two decent meals, please, please, tolong, tolong..." or "ask the businesses lah, it they want to do business here, then they should help out!"

Meanwhile, the stench from the [problem] is getting worse. The two neighbours argue whose shit is it and whose is smellier. And we find out that 'fragrance' is coming from the drain between the two houses - private land over which the Council has absolutely no jurisdiction but which everybody assumes is the responsibility of the Council (hence Councillor).

Come on... doesn't good old neighborly care exist anymore?

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