Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Time to Start Asking

Given a rosy picture of health for the District did not mean we can sit back and relax. As we Councillors got to know each other better, some over the durian lunch provided, a common question arose... if everything is so in order, why were there rumbling noises?

As such, most of us got down to the ground. Starting anonymously (or haven't got big-headed yet) with the local hawkers and shopkeepers, I started with innocent questions, like "wah, your drain so smelly wan? No one come to clean meh?" or (during an evening walk) "how come so dark, streetlight out again ah?" or "got snakes here ah, grass so long!". Of course, as a stranger to the community, their answers would usually be, "ya lor, the Council workers are lazy buggers," or "aiya, complain so many times, fed-up already lah!" Some braver ones (like my wife) would ask back, "why you so busy-body huh?" or "you government spy ah?" and even, "Aaahh, you must the new Councillor! Come, come, let me tell you about..... (ending about an hour later)"

Soon, as I got more familiar to my role as the people's first level representative, I also spoke to residents and interested parties, as well as the Council workers and officers to get both sides of the picture. On both sides, some were pretty decent, taking time to explain issues, showing solutions or offering constructive criticisms. Most were lackadaisical, an entrenched behaviour and habit from giving up hope of any improvement, probably horned after many bitter experiences. A few were downright nasty, "I don't care about your problems, I want this solved right now!!"

Feeling sorely tested, I sought the opinions of my fellow Councillors. Surprisingly, those I spoke to felt the same way and so, in order to get the opinions of the others, a non-official meeting was called. 'Non-official' because we will not be paid to attend. More than half turned up and various issues and knowledge were shared. I noted there were some who were ignorant about the role of the Councillor, the authority and rights of the position and what limitations the Council have. Most have not read the Local Government Act (Act 171) and some still have the 'opposition' mentality i.e. the urge to highlight problems in the media so the government can take action. These were gently reminded that we are now the government, that it is our duty to ensure problems are solved and that it would be best to highlight problems we have managed to settle to the media.

The non-official meeting ended positively. Wary that we may get another round of rosy answers that skirts the real issues, it was agreed that we make a united effort to ask common questions at the next full Council meeting.

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