Friday, October 3, 2008

Who holds the Dough (Part 2)?

"Money, money, money, it's a rich man's world." With Mama Mia coming to theatre and stage, Abba's songs are the vogue again. So, for the poor, poor man (with the forthcoming recession, that means almost everyone, you and me inclusive!), many sacrifices will have to be made. But at the Council level, some are simply basic rights that every citizen (tax-payer or not) is entitled to. A clean environment (i.e. no clogged drains and rubbish being cleared on time), a healthy life (i.e. no dengue or chiku mosquitoes around... make that no mosquitoes around!), the opportunity to earn a decent living (with the proper licenses of course), schools to send children to and playgrounds clean enough to play in...

Who cares a hoot about politics??

With state and federal governments being run by different political parties, each blaming the other for the lack of progress, it is the man on the street who suffers. It could also be the man in government service who benefits - the federal government giving a month's bonus and the state (in Perak at least) topping that with a month + 20%!

But when it comes to money for development... "ask the other lah!" One sometimes wonders how the system works. The federal government (where our taxes go) would channel funds through their political parties or loyal departments so that recipients will be duly "appreciative" and vote them again. Not sure how much of it really reaches the bottom level. The state government, having a much, much smaller chest (of funds, that is), would use land and natural resources to create value for the people. Unfortunately, all these are irrelevant to the poor man seeking his next meal (no intention of being sexist, but this applies to the poor woman also). And sometimes, the left arm is unaware of the right arm.

Take the federal initiative to eradicate hardcore poor in towns started a few years back. Channeled through the local government (i.e. councils like mine), this project is a surprise to the Welfare Dept as their officers, who are the ones closest to the needy, are not aware. And not many councils are keen to take this up even though the raising of living standards in its community is a key purpose of any council!

Fight for power, fight for funds, fight for benefits, fight for contracts, fight for datukship, fight for personal gain, but who is fighting for the rights of the common man without money??

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